Backup Files to Github using Cron and Shell script

When you want to backup your files on computers every day/week/month, you can use backup software. In addition to those, I do the way to rely on Github when save arbitrary files. For example, a config file for some app, a daily memo markdown file or setting.json of VScode etc.

In this post, I would share an idea to backup any specific files to your github repository. The point is that you can back up even one file for any folders.


  • Create a Github repository and local repository.

  • Specify files to backup.

  • Cron triggers the shell script.

  • The shell script checks if the files are updated. If so, copy overwrite them to the local repository.

  • Push to github repository.


We need these or alternatives:

  • unix, shell, cron

  • Github account

Create Local and Remote repository

Create a repository and setup to connect with CLI.

Important Note: the repository should be private.

Creating a personal access token (with permission “repo: Full control of private repositories”) would be secure. Put the token in you .env file.

MY_TOKEN=<personal access token>

Create shell script

Create a shell script file, with a name for example. Put it in the same directory as .env.

Paste the script below.

Parameters to set are like this. List is a list of files to be backed up. REMOTE_REPO is github repository, LOCAL_REPO is where local repository. SUBDIR_REPO is optional to use subdirectory under REMOTE_REPO. Set USERNAME and PASSWORD for github name and token.


# Back up specific files on any directories.
# Using cron job, check update for each file.
# Up-to-date files are copied to local repository
# and pushed to github.
# Usage: 
#   $ bash ./
# cron example. execute at every 4am: 
#   0 4 * * * (cd /home/dir/of/sh/ && bash
# Log: ./log/yyyymmdd.log is saved.

# Parameters
# ----------
# declare -a List=(
#   "/home/user/full/path/to/file.file"
#   "/home/user/.config/path/to/file.file"
# )
# LOCAL_REPO="/home/user/local/reponame/"
# SUBDIR_REPO="sub-dir-in-repo/" # optional
# USERNAME="github-username"
# PASSWORD="password-token"
# ----------

# Set files to auto backup
declare -a List=(

source ./.env
SUBDIR_REPO="sub-dir-in-repo/" # optional

# <dir_of_sh>/log/YYYYMMDD.log is created.
log_file=$PWD"/log/$(date +%Y%m%d).log"
mkdir -p $PWD"/log" && touch $log_file

# confirm SUBDIR_REPO exists

# main
echo "----- $(date +%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S): $(basename "$0") -----" >>$log_file

# check update for each item
for item in "${List[@]}"; do

  # full/path/file to full_path_file

  echo "Update check: "$file1 >>$log_file

  command1="date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S -r "$file1
  command2="date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S -r "$file2

  a=$(eval $command1)
  b=$(eval $command2)

  if [[ $a -eq $b ]]; then

    echo "  No update." >>$log_file


    echo "  Found update. Copy it to local repo. Git add, commit, push." >>$log_file

    ((update_cnt = update_cnt + 1))

    cp -p $file1 $file2

    $(eval "git add "$file2)


if [[ $update_cnt -gt 0 ]]; then
  git commit -m "Automatic back up"
  git push -u https://$USERNAME:$PASSWORD@$REMOTE_REPO master >/dev/null 2>&1

Logging In the script above, log files are created in log/ with a name like :

----- 2023/07/28-07:18:08: -----
Update check: /home/user/.config/Code/User/settings.json
No update.
Update check: /home/user/Desktop/backup/
Found update. Copy it to local repo. Git add, commit, push.

This is just redirecting echo "XXXX" >>$log_file . Create cron Write in your crontab like this.

0 4 * * * (cd /home/dir/of/sh/ && bash

cd /home/dir/of/sh/ is for changing directory for logging.

I have shown how to push specific files to the Github repository to backup. The script can run automatically using cron.

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